What's your shower moment?

The snooze button fanatic

Is your first hour after waking up even just to get in the pots? You're probably a typical night owl who repeatedly hits the snooze button on the alarm clock. A good cup of coffee and a shower are essential to revitalize body and mind and start the day. To make things worse in the morning, it's just as common that you're running a bit late. For most of us who fall into the group of snooze button fanatics, mornings can be very busy and stressful. But a wake-up shower is so much more than just a necessary evil! We have some great tips for you to make the most of your wake up ritual!

Learn more about snooze button fanatics

Shower moment Girl stands tired yawning in front of her bed

The long riser

Shower moment Girl sits with her dog at the breakfast table and drinks coffee
Do you need some time after waking up? You are also probably a night owl who likes to stay up late and is still very tired in the morning. But although it could be nice to stay in bed a little longer, unfortunately we all have to get up - and sometimes that takes time.
Nonetheless, not even the extra time in bed is worth having a stressful morning. Everything is still going a bit slow and you need your rest and time are you ready for the first interactions of the day. A cup of coffee, maybe a newspaper and a small breakfast. Your shower is very important as it helps you wake up and get you ready for the day. But your morning routines have many more benefits than that!

Learn more about the long riser moment

The early bird

Your time after waking up is filled with beloved morning rituals and a relaxing shower is one of them!

Do you function best early in the day and consciously celebrate your morning routines on your own terms before anyone else can make demands on you?

Your daily shower routine is more than a simple necessity for you, it is part of a feel-good ritual for a happy start to the day. Find out how our scrubs can add a little more lightness to your morning routine.

Learn more about the early bird

Shower moment Girl doing yoga exercises in the morning

The evening shower

Shower moment Girl takes off her shoes in the evening after work and yawns

A shower in the evening to wash off the day and slip into bed fresh and clean.

There are actually different reasons why we might prefer to shower in the evening instead of in the morning. Some of us just find it difficult to get up earlier to have time for a shower and prefer to stay in bed later (especially in winter).

If you don't necessarily need the cold water confrontation in the morning to wake you up, taking a shower in the evening to relax your body and mind can be very beneficial.

Learn more about evening showers

The workout champion

Late again after your workout?

Do you have the urge to get fresh and clean again as quickly as possible?

We all know this situation. It doesn't matter whether you're considering skipping the shower after exercise or jumping straight into the shower from your last exercise.

There are some reasons against both options. We'll help you avoid the most common post-workout showering mistakes, and our "Triple Bee Power" will help you get the most out of your workout.

Learn more about the shower moment after exercise

Shower moment girl shines after workout in gym