Our bees also live in a fixed location and we avoid so-called hiking and stressful transport.
In addition, especially in Germany, beekeepers are very careful when dealing with their bees. It must always be remembered that even if a beekeeper's profit were paramount, he would incur losses if he mistreated, carelessly crushed or injured his employees.
With us, profit is not the top priority in honey production. We also never take all the honey from the hive, but often leave a few combs behind. Of course, honey is the food of the bees and if we take it, we have to provide an appropriate replacement. Every beekeeper in Germany does this too. He feeds his bees in late summer so they can store the new food to feed on in the winter.
Beekeeping is a give and take between bees and beekeepers. In most cases it is more of a hobby than a job for many. All German beekeepers that we know are not in beekeeping because of profit, but out of love and joy in working with bees. Unfortunately, some animal welfare organizations paint beekeepers with a grotesque caricature of beekeeping. These claims may apply to beekeeping in foreign countries, but certainly not to German beekeepers.