Many of you who already know our oleogel know: the big advantage of it is that it is anhydrous compared to "normal" creams. But what advantage does that bring you exactly? Water isn't a bad thing, so why should water-free be better than a cream when it comes to facial care for dry skin? In our blog post we have therefore listed the 6 most important advantages that an oleogel has compared to an emulsion.
6 benefits of oleogel
1. No preservatives
Our oleogel contains no parabens or other preservatives. Since we have designed our oleogel to be completely water-free, the protection that nature offers us is enough! Many of the ingredients naturally have slightly preservative properties, such as vitamin E or propolis tincture. The lack of water in the recipe also makes it difficult for bacteria to multiply, making the use of preservatives superfluous.
2. Increase in skin moisture from within
An oleogel is a water-free care product based on lipids (oils and fats). In contrast to emulsions (creams), the skin moisture increases slowly during use and no water is supplied from the outside. The increase in skin moisture comes from within. The natural oils in the oleogel support this process by reducing the skin's transepidermal water loss. The high fat content of our oleogels in combination with beeswax and propolis cares for the skin over the long term and not just for a short time.
3. No worries about pH
For those who don't want to read a lot: To put it simply, our oleogel has no pH value and you don't have to worry about whether it's too high or too low for your own skin.
For everyone who wants to know more: Unfortunately, this question cannot be answered with a simple number, as with conventional emulsions or creams. Our oleogel is anhydrous and pH as we know it is actually only defined for water (or aqueous solutions). The pH value refers to H+ ions in the water. The more H+ ions in the solution, the lower the pH. That is why one often finds the statement: “Oils have no pH value”. In principle, however, every liquid has a pH value, although this varies greatly and is not comparable to the pH value of aqueous solutions and is not as important for the skin as the pH value of water. The whole thing is a very complex topic and since the 1950s scientists around the world have been working on developing a system for measuring the pH value that works for any liquid. In organic liquids (like the oils we use in the oleogel) the pH is very different than in water (or creams and emulsions) as they have far fewer mobile protons and the pH in water basically goes up related free protons. Therefore, one could say that our oleogel has no pH, at least not comparable to the pH that we know.
4. Unscented or scented with natural essential oils
Pleasant scents are something really great! They give us a feeling of well-being, freshness and purity. At PureBee, we do not use artificial perfumes or fragrances in any of our products; when we scent, we only use essential oils. But some people who tend to have very sensitive skin or simply do not want any added fragrance in their care can fall back on our original products. These have not added any scents. But then what do they smell like? You could say "neutral", although we would always put it in quotes. They simply smell of the individual ingredients and everyone interprets this smell a little differently. With our Oleogel Original, we primarily smell the beeswax and propolis, someone else might recognize the jojoba oil.
5. Natural ingredients that you know
We are very open about the ingredients in all of our products because there is nothing to hide. We pay great attention to the selection of high-quality raw materials and, in addition to the legally required INCIs, always include the German names on the packaging. This shows that our oleogel only contains ingredients that you know and that everyone can assess for themselves whether they are good for the skin. All oleogels contain: jojoba oil, avocado oil, apricot kernel oil, beeswax, mango butter, vitamin E, propolis tincture, vegetable squalane oil and vitamin C. Depending on the variety, these raw materials are supplemented with hyaluronic acid, royal jelly or natural essential oils.
6. 100% active ingredients and 0% water for your money
Most creams on the market consist mainly of water (sometimes over 90%). Depending on the type of cream, this can of course also have advantages. A hand cream, for example, which would be water-free like our oleogel, would probably make very few of us happy. Hand cream is said to have practically disappeared after application and provide a quick, short-term remedy for the problem of dry hands. In our opinion, however, the face (especially with dry skin) has different requirements and an oleogel offers a more sustainable and long-lasting supply of moisture. This does not mean that the oleogel is not absorbed and lies on the face like a "layer of fat", but simply that the care is completely different and more sustainable. The great thing about oleogel is that you really get 100% active ingredients for your money and not mainly water. Water has little or no effect on the skin, there is a brief surge of moisture and it evaporates again. In normal creams it serves (with a few exceptions) as a cheap carrier of the active ingredients.